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Asked by EURACTIV, Commission VP Vera Jourová said during a press conference that the Commission will be very careful not to restrict freedom of speech, noting that the DSA focuses on illegal content. However, the result might be to pass the ‘hot potato’ to the European Commission, which will have to decide on content moderation issues in cross-border cases. “The open question might be the articles regarding the relationship between the Digital Services Coordinators (DCS) and the Commission,” a second diplomatic source said. “Everyone accepts the idea of a hybrid model for governance and a central role of the European Commission for VLOPs as regards systemic risks,” an EU diplomatic source told EURACTIV. Macron himself threw his weight on the proposal during the latest European summit. As Dublin managed to rally support around the principle, the French strategy shifted to empowering the Commission instead. The change in the enforcement architecture followed a clash between Ireland and France on the country of origin principle, with Paris pushing for a way out of the ‘enforcement deadlock’.

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That is the main takeaway of the latest (and potentially last) compromise text shared by the Slovenian Presidency on Friday evening, just before a long weekend. Story of the week: Enforcement of the Digital Services Act will be centralised in the hands of the European Commission, as far as very large online platforms (VLOPs in Brussels jargon) are concerned. Věra Jourová, Vice-President of the European Commission for values and transparency “We will be careful not to go the extra mile in decreasing the freedom of speech.” You can subscribe to the newsletter here.

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